How do dance and singing bowls help in children's yoga?
Dance, singing bowls, lots of joy! That’s what a family yoga session is like with Joyful Blossom Yoga Dance. Founder and yoga teacher, June Nyu, who founded the studio three years ago shares more about how she mixes song and dance in her kids yoga classes, and the joy she sees from her participants.
Let June of Joyful Blossom Yoga Dance bring some rainbow and sunshine to your kids through yoga.
Tell us more about Joyful Blossom Yoga Dance! When did you start?
I started teaching kids yoga since 2014 as a volunteer teacher at different organisations and in various countries. I founded Joyful Blossom Yoga Dance after I completed a Dance Therapy Certificate course in New Zealand in 2016. The course deepened my passion in empowering children through kids yoga and movement. During a three-month internship in various community centres in New Zealand, I had a chance to serve different groups of people (most of them are special needs adults and children). I witnessed that dance movement can bring so much joy and fun, regardless of participants’ physical challenge, race or socio-economic status. Inspired by my teachers, who created their own practices, I decided to create Joyful Blossom Yoga Dance upon returning to Singapore. The name of the studio is about sharing joy and empowering students to blossom joyfully through yoga and movement.
Do you also incorporate dance in your kids yoga sessions?
I like to incorporate different elements in my class. We sing and dance in the class. Dance is a universal language - it is very useful in encouraging and supporting shy students to open up. It also helps me to tune into children's feeling through their movements.
In your upcoming class on Dec 15, you will also use singing bowls. What's the purpose? Is it always used in your class?
I usually only use singing bowl in the beginning of the class. I start my class by ringing a singing bowl to gather children's attention, then we will practise breathing exercises with the singing bowl. It is a very helpful and powerful tool for high-energy children. In the upcoming Family Yoga class, I will invite a friend to play a set of singing bowls for about 10 to 15 mins as a sound bath. This helps create a relaxing and blissful bonding experience at the end of the class. It will be followed by a family massage session.
Singing bowls create calming sounds for children to breathe along to.
That sounds lovely. How exactly do singing bowls help as part of kids yoga?
The soothing and calming vibrations of singing bowls can help kids to calm down and focus. Sometimes I will ask children to take turns to play the singing bowls which they find interesting. I notice that they will feel the vibration and frequency of the singing bowls on their palms carefully. They always feel very peaceful doing that.
Besides singing bowl, are there other tools we can use which serve the same function at home?
There are other props which can help children with relaxation and focus, such as breathing balls, glitter jars and candle gazing.
What's the best thing about being a kids yoga teacher?
It is pure joy to let my inner child come out and connect with children heart-to-heart through play! It is a gift for me. l love being creative, sharing laughter and having fun with kids in the class. It is very rewarding to see the positive changes in children through yoga: they gain confidence, are able to relax, and learn skills that they can build upon when they grow older.
Monkeying around and having fun are part of kids yoga too!
Any last tips for parents?
Parents are role models for their children. Kids pick up their parents' emotions and they learn from parents. I would suggest parents practice mindfulness together with kids.
Below are some ideas for parents to explore:
1. Breathing exercise: There are different breathing techniques, such as Rainbow Breath and Bee Breath. Parents can set a regular time to practise with children together. It important to encourage children to practise but don’t make it a chore.
2. Listen to children's feelings: Be aware that there is a need behind every behaviour. When children react with challenging behaviours, stay calm and support children to express their feelings.
3. Join a fun family class together!
Joyful Blossom Yoga Dance conducts yoga lessons online and in groups.
For more information, log on to her Facebook or follow her on Instagram @joyfulblossom_yogadance. June also has a Youtube channel: